TiB opens its doors again - Hotel Project Update!

Hi everyone! 

As you are probably aware, Together in Barnet (TiB) had to reluctantly close its doors due to Covid-19. However, at the beginning of February, we were able to open again and do what we do best… providing a shelter for those that need it!

We managed to acquire funding from the Homelessness Winter Transformation Fund, The National Lottery Community Fund, and Homeless Link that allowed us to book out 16 fabulous rooms in a Hotel in Golders Green, Barnet. A special thank you to Housing Justice who have also helped to make this project possible.

These 16 rooms are equipped with microwaves, TV's, comfortable beds, and warm showers/baths! Food is being provided every day by our amazing communities and volunteers.

The team at TiB have been working relentlessly to get all the required protocol in place to combat the Coronavirus. We have been liaising with local authorities and organisations to make sure the hotel is as Covid protected as possible!

We have these rooms booked until the 31st of March. However, we are hoping to extend this date further depending on funding.

So far, we have had 5 guests who have been delighted to be part of this opportunity. If you are aware of anyone that needs a place to stay, please contact Homeless Action in Barnet who will assess the individual to see if they are eligible - https://www.habcentre.org/get-help-for-someone-else.

Thank you to the communities and volunteers who have helped us this far! We hope to keep the hotel in tip top condition for the remainder of the time that we are there.

We will be aiming to give you updates in the near future - so watch this space! 

Hotel Project funding thanks to Homelessness Winter Transformation Fund, The National Lottery Community Fund, and Homeless Link

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