“Delivering to over 180 people twice a week, across eight London boroughs”
We wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your hard work since the start of the pandemic: packing food parcels, picking up medication and delivering food parcels to the people we support.
We have gone from delivering to over 180 people twice a week, across 8 London boroughs to finally closing down the food delivery operation as of today.
All of the people we were delivering to are either now able to come to the centre and pick up their food, provide for themselves and/or have been linked up with other services closer to where they are living.
Together in Barnet and our partner charity Homeless Action in Barnet are in awe of what the community has achieved over the last 20 months or so. It really is a testament to the community we have here in Barnet.
That being said, people experiencing homelessness and those who are vulnerably housed still need our support so we’d love to stay in touch and continue working with you!
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