21/22 Winter Hotel Project Complete!

We have now come to the end of our 2021/2022 Winter Night Shelter!

This is our 2nd COVID-safe Winter Night Shelter hosted in a hotel after our community-based shelters were forced to close due to the pandemic.

Our first hotel project ran from 25th Jan - 4th June 2021 and the second ran from October 18th 2021 - March 31st 2022, altogether supporting 52 people with emergency accommodation for a total of 194 nights.

Of those 52 people, 48 people engaged with support and moved on into alternative longer-term accommodation after the hotel including council and housing association housing, supported housing and the private renting sector. This is a huge success and a great achievement for Together in Barnet!

The staff and trustees at TiB would like to thank our wonderful communities and volunteers for their support with both hotel projects- supporting the guests, delivering food and other supplies, and cooking a whopping 6000 + meals, plus much more!

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